Thursday 29 January 2009

Opening Ceremony

So , I'm about to head on into another decade of my life! Depressing sometimes, as that only leaves me with 500 years more to live. :(
I wonder what I would be like at the age of 40 for instance? I have no damn clue, maybe I will own lots of mansions and planes! or Become the circus main event! or a Zoo keeper! or a Colombian drug lord with lots of bitches & hoes!
Does not seem too bright now though as I have lots of shit to go through if I am to move out of this house and out of the whole goddamn country...And then there are some people I'd rather not leave behind and rather to at the same time! Its like sewage made of thoughts, gooey , yucky and tumbles your intestines!

I'd love to have a boat one day and sail it around to anywhere I choose, without restrictions and man made borders! Of course I'd have to learn how to sail first and buy a few bottles of rum to sail properly... There is always the risk of being a man overboard, but you can always count on the dolphins..
They are always so shiny and slippery like they got a one month supply of dome wax on their bodies & heads. Never touched one, but I wonder what would they feel like, my guess has always been that they will be like trying to hold a wet soap.

I will use this blog whenever I feel like it, just typing out my thoughts and what so ever..